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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h> // for sleep() function

enum direction { UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT };

struct ant {
    int row;
    int col;
    enum direction dir;

void print_map(char **map, int rows, int cols, struct ant langton_ant, struct ant random_ant) {
    system("clear");//clear the console
    // Print the borders of the map
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        printf("* ");

    // Print the map contents
    for (int i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++) {
        printf("* ");
        for (int j = 1; j < cols - 1; j++) {
            if (i == langton_ant.row && j == langton_ant.col) {
                if (langton_ant.dir == UP) {
                    printf("^ ");
                } else if (langton_ant.dir == RIGHT) {
                    printf("> ");
                } else if (langton_ant.dir == LEFT) {
                    printf("< ");
                } else if (langton_ant.dir == DOWN) {
                    printf("v ");
            } else if (i == random_ant.row && j == random_ant.col) {
                if (random_ant.dir == UP) {
                    printf("^ ");
                } else if (random_ant.dir == RIGHT) {
                    printf("> ");
                } else if (random_ant.dir == LEFT) {
                    printf("< ");
                } else if (random_ant.dir == DOWN) {
                    printf("v ");
            } else {
                printf("%c ", map[i][j]);

    // Print the borders of the map
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        printf("* ");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Error: Invalid number of arguments\n");
        return 1;

    int waiting_time = atoi(argv[1]); // get waiting time from command line argument
    FILE *input_file = fopen("input.txt", "r");
    if (input_file == NULL) {
        printf("Error: Unable to open input file\n");
        return 1;

    int rows, cols, num_steps, ant1_row, ant1_col, ant2_row, ant2_col;

    if (fscanf(input_file, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &rows, &cols, &num_steps, &ant1_row, &ant1_col, &ant2_row, &ant2_col) != 7) {
        printf("Error: Invalid input format\n");
        return 1;

    char **map = (char**)malloc(rows * sizeof(char*));

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        map[i] = (char*)malloc(cols * sizeof(char));
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            if (i == 0 || i == rows - 1 || j == 0 || j == cols - 1) {
                map[i][j] = '*';
            } else {
                map[i][j] = ' ';

    // Initialize the first ant
    struct ant langton_ant = { ant1_row, ant1_col, UP };

	// Initialize the second ant
    struct ant random_ant = { ant2_row, ant2_col, DOWN };

    srand(time(NULL)); // Seed the random number generator with the current time

    int wait_time = 1; //default wait time between each step is 1 second
    if (argc > 1) {
        wait_time = atof(argv[1]);

    // Run the simulation
    for (int step = 0; step < num_steps; step++) {
        // Update the direction of the Langton ant based on the color of the cell
    	int langton_ant_row = langton_ant.row;
    	int langton_ant_col = langton_ant.col;

   	 if (map[langton_ant_row][langton_ant_col] == '*') {
        	langton_ant.dir = (langton_ant.dir + 1) % 4;
    	} else {
        	langton_ant.dir = (langton_ant.dir - 1 + 4) % 4;

   	 // Update the color of the cell and move the Langton ant
   	 if (map[langton_ant_row][langton_ant_col] == '*') {
   	     map[langton_ant_row][langton_ant_col] = ' ';
   	 } else {
  	      map[langton_ant_row][langton_ant_col] = '*';
    	if (langton_ant.dir == UP) {
    	} else if (langton_ant.dir == RIGHT) {
    	} else if (langton_ant.dir == LEFT) {
    	} else if (langton_ant.dir == DOWN) {

    	// Update the direction of the random ant based on a random number
    	int random_number = rand() % 4;
    	if (random_number == 0) {
     	   random_ant.dir = UP;
    	} else if (random_number == 1) {
        	random_ant.dir = RIGHT;
    	} else if (random_number == 2) {
        	random_ant.dir = LEFT;
    	} else if (random_number == 3) {
    	    random_ant.dir = DOWN;

    	// Move the random ant
    	if (random_ant.dir == UP) {
    	} else if (random_ant.dir == RIGHT) {
   	} else if (random_ant.dir == LEFT) {
    	} else if (random_ant.dir == DOWN) {

    	// Print the current state of the map
    	print_map(map, rows, cols, langton_ant, random_ant);

    	// Wait for some time

	// Free the memory used by the map
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

	return 0;

What I have tried:

Right now when I run the code, I run it along with the wait time as a command line argument. The dimensions of the map, position of the ants and the number of steps the ants take are all in the file input. I want to make the number of steps - num_steps - work as a command line argument. When I tried to change the code to have the 'num_steps' work as a command line argument the terminal kept displaying 'invalid number of arguments' even though I gave it enough arguments to take in.

Also, how would I modify the code to have it read a file in the following format:

rows cols
ant1_row ant1_col "v"
ant2_row ant2_col ">"

Each description should be a new line in the txt file. The current file has everything in a single line. Also the "v" and ">" are the direction the ants start in, it can any of; "<" ">" "^" "v"
Updated 15-Apr-23 21:16pm

Start by using the debugger to find out exactly what values you are getting: argc and argv - when you know the number of arguments and what they are, it should be obvious what the problem is.

We can't do that for you: we have no idea what you are providing as input!
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As OriginalGriff said, a debugger should find the problem. However, except for the problem that the file might not be found, I have not found any problem reading in when there are actually exactly 7 positive numbers in the input.txt file.

If input .txt contains the following
5 5 20 1 1 4 4

all parameters seem to be read in correctly. However, the program crashes because, for example, variable langton_ant.row can obviously become negative.

To read a row like this
2 4 v

letters and numbers must be read.

This would be done as before with
if (fscanf(input_file, "%d %d %c", &lrow, &lcol, &dir) != 3) {

would work.
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This is the same issue as How to implement a sleep wait time function and take it in as a command line argument?[^], where I gave you a suggestion as to capturing the command line parameters. And I notice that you have still got the erroneous code in the above.
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