So, many WinAPI controls have a very useful feature - you can select an item in Listbox, ListView, Combobox by typing first several letters. You can try it out: just open your windows calculator, hit Ctrl+U to enable converting units view and in the top combobox start typing slowly "press". You will see, that as you type another letter the combobox selection changes accordingly.
For some reason a newly created combobox selects by first letter only.
My question is - is there a way to enable this feature (selecting by typing several letters) after combobox was created and how do i avoid sorting (because i don't need it)?
What I have tried:
So i used Spy++ and figured that Windows calculator combobox has styles CBS_SORT. That i believe the style that enables selecting by several letters, but you must set it on creation of the combobox otherwise it won't work. Also it sorts the strings in combobox which is not desired sometimes.