<title>Email Print Layout Add-in
<base href="https://outlook.live.com/mail/o/" />
<div id="error-container">
<div id="error-message">
<p>Something went wrong. Contact your administrator.</p>
<div id="Customisation">
<h1>Email Details</h1>
Include Details:
<br> <br> From
<br> <br> To
<br> <br> CC
<br> <br> Subject
<br> <br> Date
<br> <br> Priority
<br> <br> Attachements
<div id="MailContent" style="font-family: Arial Black; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px"></div>
<div id="emailBody" style="padding-top: 20px; font-family: Arial Black; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px"></div>
<div id="ButtonsId">
Print Email
// The Office initialize function must be run each time a new page is loaded.
Office.onReady(function (info) {
if (info.host === Office.HostType.Outlook) {
// Your Office-specific code here
// Call the initializePage() function when the page loads
var selectedCheckboxes = []; // Array to store the sequence of selected checkboxes
function CreateContent(checkboxId) {
const checkbox = document.getElementById(checkboxId);
const isChecked = checkbox.checked;
if (isChecked) {
// Update the checkbox sequence in local storage
localStorage.setItem("selectedCheckboxes", JSON.stringify(selectedCheckboxes));
function getEmailAddresses(emailArray) {
return emailArray.map(function (address) {
return address.displayName;
}).join(', ');
function getAttachments(attachmentArray) {
return attachmentArray.map(function (attachment) {
return attachment.name;
}).join(', ');
// Function to load and set checkbox states from local storage
function loadCheckboxStates() {
// Load the sequence of selected checkboxes from local storage
const savedCheckboxes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("selectedCheckboxes")) || [];
const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]");
checkboxes.forEach(function (checkbox) {
const checkboxId = checkbox.id;
checkbox.checked = savedCheckboxes.includes(checkboxId);
selectedCheckboxes = savedCheckboxes;
function PrintFormat() {
var customContent = "<div>";
selectedCheckboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
switch (checkbox) {
case "fromCheckbox":
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">From: " + Office.context.mailbox.item.from.displayName + "</p>";
case "toCheckbox":
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">To:" + getEmailAddresses(Office.context.mailbox.item.to) + "</p>";
case "ccCheckbox":
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">cc: " + getEmailAddresses(Office.context.mailbox.item.cc) + "</p>";
case "subjectCheckbox":
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">Subject: " + Office.context.mailbox.item.subject + "</p>";
case "dateCheckbox":
const emailDate = new Date(Office.context.mailbox.item.dateTimeCreated);
const daysOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
const months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
const formattedDate = daysOfWeek[emailDate.getDay()] + ", " +
months[emailDate.getMonth()] + " " +
emailDate.getDate() + ", " +
emailDate.getFullYear() + " " +
(emailDate.getHours() % 12 || 12) + ":" +
(emailDate.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + emailDate.getMinutes() + " " +
(emailDate.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM");
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">Date:" + formattedDate + "</p>";
case "priorityCheckbox":
if (Office.context.mailbox.item.importance != null) {
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">Priority: " + Office.context.mailbox.item.importance + "</p>";
case "attachmentCheckbox":
if (Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments != null) {
customContent += "<p style=\"font-family: Arial Black;margin: 0; padding - top: 0;\">Attachment: " + getAttachments(Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments) + "</p>";
customContent += "</div>";
document.getElementById("MailContent").innerHTML = customContent;
// document.getElementById("MailContent").innerHTML += Office.context.mailbox.item.body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html);
// Function to initialize the page
function initializePage() {
} // Function to handle images in the email body
function onPrintButtonClick() {
document.getElementById("Customisation").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("ButtonsId").style.display = 'none';
var emailBody = Office.context.mailbox.item.body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html, function (result) {
if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
document.getElementById("emailBody").innerHTML = result.value;
document.getElementById("emailBody").style.fontFamily = "Arial Black";
document.getElementById("emailBody").style.fontSize = '20px';
document.getElementById("emailBody").style.fontWeight = 'Bold';
var emailBodyHtml = result.value;
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(emailBodyHtml, 'text/html');
var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
tempDiv.innerHTML = emailBodyHtml;
// Find and modify the font style
var paragraphs = tempDiv.querySelectorAll('span, p, li, table, b,div');
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
paragraphs[i].style.fontFamily = 'Arial Black';
paragraphs[i].style.fontSize = '20px';
paragraphs[i].style.fontWeight = 'bold';
// Get the modified HTML back as a string
var modifiedEmailBodyHtml = tempDiv.innerHTML;
// Now you can use modifiedEmailBodyHtml to set the email body in your add-in
document.getElementById('emailBody').innerHTML = modifiedEmailBodyHtml;
function onResetButtonClick() {
const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]");
checkboxes.forEach(function (checkbox) {
checkbox.checked = false;
// Clear the selected checkboxes and remove from local storage
selectedCheckboxes = [];
document.getElementById("MailContent").innerHTML = "";
What I have tried:
Images are not displayed at all, shows blank box