Hello everyone, I have a basic spring boot application that I want to implement basic security features on. I've added spring security, spring web and thymeleaf dependencies to my pom.xml file. I have the following codes.
HomeController class
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class HomeController {
public String home() {
return "index";
public String register() {
return "register";
AppSecurityConfig class
public class AppSecurityConfig {
public SecurityFilterChain configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.requestMatchers("/login", "/register").permitAll()
return http.build();
When I run the spring boot app and go to this url (localhost:8080/register) in my browser it's taking me to the spring default formLogin page which shouldn't be because I've used
.requestMatchers("/login", "/register").permitAll()
to exclude "/login" and "/register" urls from any authentication. Please what I'm I missing ? I have a "register.html" file in my template directory of my spring boot application. Thanks in advance for any help.
What I have tried:
pom.xml dependencies