Dear Pandya
It seems that you have problem in to fetch the data from database and forward it to the next page with the use of Query String
So for that purpose firstly bind your data in ListView(I am taking an example with the help of Eval)
Suppose From your requirement There is and product id(From DB) Which you want to take with your page
<asp:listview id="list" runat="server" groupitemcount="1" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
No Data Is Available Right Now
<tr runat="server" id="groupPlaceholder" />
<td runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder" />
<td colspan="2">
<a href="Preview.aspx?articleid=<%# Eval(" product_id=") %>">
<asp:label id="title" runat="server" text="<%# Eval("Title") %>" />
<td colspan="2">
Do not forget to bind this list view in code behind
Hope You got the solution