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This can run well with MSSQL,but after i change the database with mysql,it just show the firt
page, the viewdata.model can't get the next page record.

code in controllor:

index action:
if (Request["page"] != null)

               ViewData["page"] = SqlHelper.Pager(Request.RawUrl.Substring(0, Request.RawUrl.IndexOf("?")), Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]), n.Count(), 5, 3);
               n = n.Skip((Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]) - 1) * 5).Take(5);

               ViewData["page"] = SqlHelper.Pager(Request.RawUrl, 1, n.Count(), 5, 3);

               n = n.Skip(0).Take(5);

           return View(n);

code in SqlHelper:

public static string Pager(string url1, int id, int count, int size, int show)
           string pager = "";
           string url = url1.Contains("?") ? url1 + "&page=" : url1 + "?page=";
           pager = "<a href=\"" + url + (1) + "\"><<</a>";
           if (id != 1)
               pager += "<a href=\"" + url + (id - 1) + "\"><</a>";
           if (id > (show + 1))
               pager += "<a href=\"" + url + (id - show - 1) + "\">..</a>";

           int page_count = count / size;
           if (page_count == 0)
               return "";
           for (int i = id - show; i <= id + show; i++)
               if (id == i)
                   pager += "<span>" + i + "</span>";
               else if (i > 0 && i <= page_count)
                   pager += "<a href=\"" + url + i + "\">" + i + "</a>";

           if (id < page_count - show)
               pager += "<a href=\"" + url + (id + show + 1) + "\">..</a>";

           if (id != page_count)
               pager += "<a href=\"" + url + (id + 1) + "\">></a>";
           pager += "<a href=\"" + url + page_count + "\">" + page_count + "</a>";
           return pager;

       public static string pagination(int total, int per, int page, string query_string)
           int allpage = 0;
           int next = 0;
           int pre = 0;
           int startcount = 0;
           int endcount = 0;
           string pagestr = "";

           if (page < 1) { page = 1; }
           if (per != 0)
               allpage = (total / per);
               allpage = ((total % per) != 0 ? allpage + 1 : allpage);
               allpage = (allpage == 0 ? 1 : allpage);
           next = page + 1;
           pre = page - 1;
           startcount = (page + 5) > allpage ? allpage - 9 : page - 4;
           endcount = page < 5 ? 10 : page + 5;
           if (startcount < 1) { startcount = 1; } 
           if (allpage < endcount) { endcount = allpage; 
           pagestr = "totally" + allpage + "page&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

           pagestr += page > 1 ? "<a href=\"" + query_string + "?page=1\">first page</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + query_string + "?page=" + pre + "\">pre page</a>" : "first page next page";

           for (int i = startcount; i <= endcount; i++)
               pagestr += page == i ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=\"#ff0000\">" + i + "</font>" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + query_string + "?page=" + i + "\">" + i + "</a>";
           pagestr += page != allpage ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + query_string + "?page=" + next + "\">next page</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + query_string + "?page=" + allpage + "\">last page</a>" : " next page last page";

           return pagestr;

index.aspx code:

<% foreach (MvcBBS.Model.Article m in (IEnumerable)ViewData.Model)
       { %>
      <dt class="d"><%= Html.ActionLink(Html.Encode(m.Title), "Read", "Article", new { ID = m.ID}, null)%>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
       <% if (Session["Flag"] == "1")
          { %>
         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="float:right">
          <%= Ajax.ActionLink("[Delete]", "Delete", new { ID = m.ID, SortID = m.Sort }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "divArticleList", Confirm="are you sure?" })%></span>
       <%} %>

       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color:#0099CC"><%= m.ReplyNum %></span>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<%= m.ReadNum %>
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<%= m.EntryDate %></dt>

    <%} %>
 <div class="page">&nbsp;&nbsp;<%=ViewData["page"] %>  </div>

related css:

    width: 500px;
    margin: 27px;
    padding: 27px;

.pagecomments h3{
    color: #6a6a6a;

.pagecomments a{
    color: #b7a795;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 11px;
    background-color: #fdf8f1;

.pagecomments a:hover{
    color: #a9b880;

.pagecomments ol{
    list-style: none;
    margin: 10px 0;
    padding: 0;

.pagecomments ol li{
    list-style: none;
    margin: 10px 0 0;
    padding: 0 0 10px;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #bbb7b0;
    line-height: 22px;

#pagecomments span.comment-author{
    font-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: underline;

    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px dotted #bbb7b0;


someone would help me? thx a lot!!!

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