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Hi ,

I am using a list of checkbox and i am having a text box to assign scores to only those lines whoses corresponding checkbox is selected.. i have got a loop and i am checking each row if checkbox is checked and if checked then only assign score else i am displaying error as please select checkbox!! this works correctly but if inbetween say 1st row and 5th row checkbox is checked of the 7 checkboxes... then still it shows error please select checkbox... how can i overcome this issue... coding is as follows:

string maxcount = (hdgrdcount.Value);
int grdmaxcnt = Convert.ToInt32(maxcount);
if (txtassignscr.Text == "" || txtassignscr.Text == null)
    lblerrassign.Text = "Enter a score!";
    for (int i = 0; i < grdmaxcnt; i++)
        TextBox gettxtscore = (TextBox)grdscore.Rows[i].FindControl("txtSetScore");
        bool isChecked = ((CheckBox)grdscore.Rows[i].FindControl("chkSelect")).Checked;
        Label refer = ((Label)grdscore.Rows[i].FindControl("refURL"));
        string refurl = refer.Text;
        if (isChecked)
            gettxtscore.Text = txtassignscr.Text;
            string checkquery = "select score from tbl_Score where DataSourceId='" + ddldatasource.SelectedItem.Value + "' and ImportFileId='" + ddltablename.SelectedItem.Value + "' and ColumnName='" + ddlcolumnname.SelectedValue + "' and ColumnValue='" + refurl + "' and MMUserId='" + Session["AdminId"] + "'";
            DataSet dscorexists = Main.BindGridSearch(checkquery);
            if (dscorexists.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0 && dscorexists.Tables[0].Rows.Count != null)
                string querynew = "update tbl_Score SET  Score='" + gettxtscore.Text + "' where DataSourceId='" + ddldatasource.SelectedItem.Value + "' and ImportFileId='" + ddltablename.SelectedItem.Value + "' and ColumnName='" + ddlcolumnname.SelectedValue + "' and ColumnValue='" + refurl + "' and MMUserId='" + Session["AdminId"] + "'";
                if (Main.CommanDB(querynew) == 0)
                    lblerrassign.Text = "Assigned values successfully!";
                string query = "INSERT INTO tbl_Score(DataSourceId,ImportFileId,ColumnName,ColumnValue,TrafficType,Score,MMUserId)VALUES ('" + ddldatasource.SelectedItem.Value + "','" + ddltablename.SelectedItem.Value + "','" + ddlcolumnname.SelectedValue + "', '" + refurl + "','', '" + gettxtscore.Text + "','" + Session["AdminId"] + "' )";
                SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                lblerrassign.Text = "Assigned values successfully!";
            lblerrassign.Text = "Please select any checkbox!";

please help!!

thanking u in advance!!

The error is probably in this line:

bool isChecked = ((CheckBox)grdscore.Rows[i].FindControl("chkSelect")).Checked;

Have you checked to see if it is actually finding the checkbox?

Are you using Web Forms? Master pages?

Also, please don't concatenate strings to send to a database:

"select score from tbl_Score where DataSourceId='" + ddldatasource.SelectedItem.Value 

Use parameterized queries. They aren't much more difficult and will save you from SQL Injection attacks.
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Shruthi.BT 21-Mar-13 10:29am    
yes.. it is finding the checkbox and yes.. i am using master pages... any help for this issue please.. !!
I solved the issue by using flag like this:

If any checkbox checked flag == 1

then while displaying error message will check if flag== 1 if yes then no error message else
i am displaying error message.
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