Can you provide detail. What do you mean by string List (string is array of characters).
If you talking about to convert character array in string
char[] charAray = new char[] {'h','e','l','l','o' };
string mystring = new string(charAray);
If you need to convert char array into string array, then you have many solutions like iterations.
I recommend you to create an extension method, which can parse source into target type.
For more detail here is generic extension method for your reference
public static class Extensions
public static List<t> ToList<t>(this IEnumerable source) where T : class
List<t> collection = new List<t>();
foreach (var x in source)
T info = Convert.ChangeType(x, typeof(T)) as T;
return collection;
char[] charAray = new char[] {'h','e','l','l','o'};
List<string> strList = charAray.ToList<string>();