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Hello, I'm trying to retreive values from a database using visual studio 2010/c# and access 2010, but the set doesn't seem to be filling, the messagebox testing it doesn't even show up. Here is the code I have.

string cmd = "asd";
string myconstring = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=F:\Users\Jacob\Desktop\Database11.accdb";
OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(myconstring);
OleDbCommand com = new OleDbCommand(cmd, con);
OleDbDataAdapter adp = new OleDbDataAdapter(com);
DataSet set = new DataSet();
    adp.Fill(set);MessageBox.Show("Did it work?");
    set = new DataSet();

I don't know why the message box isn't showing up right after, and because neither of the test message boxes are loading, I can't tell for sure if the data was even retrieved. Could anyone help?
Richard C Bishop 2-Apr-13 12:12pm    
Well, "asd" is not a command to retrieve data. Are you using something other than that?
YdoUaskbeta 2-Apr-13 12:32pm    
Ah, Welp, I'm dumb. After I ran it with a Select * from table1 (the only table, and it has 2 values. I was able to get the second message box, but not the last one. (Table one has two fields, ID and Field1. ID is 1 or 2 and Field1 is Test and Test num respectively)
Richard C Bishop 2-Apr-13 12:34pm    
Remove the "set = new DataSet();" before you show the last message. It is basically giving "set" a blank value when you do that.
[no name] 2-Apr-13 12:50pm    
Wow what a familiar question. I answered this exact same question with this exact same code just yesterday.
YdoUaskbeta 2-Apr-13 14:29pm    
Thank you very much Pheonyx. And Phantom, sorry, I had to re-ask because next to edit it notified me that the question had been deleted.

1 solution

set = new DataSet();

That is because you are clearing the dataset by re-initialising it.

Why do you do this?!

set = new DataSet();
after you have done the "Did it work?" message box.
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[no name] 2-Apr-13 12:53pm    
Offset the undeserved 1 vote. This is the correct answer. Also "asd" is not a select command. The messagebox is most likely not showing up due to an uncaught exception though.

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