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I have developed an SDI application in VC++ for displaying a text file in tree view (left side) and list view (right side). Now i want to make the list view editable. i want to edit each cell in the list view.Can any one please help me out or suggest something how to proceed. Thanks in advance. And below is the part of my code.

For tokenising and parsing the string:

void CLeftView::OnFileOpen()
	// TODO: Add your command handler code here

	CTreeCtrl&  trCtrl = GetTreeCtrl(); 
    HTREEITEM hItem,hsc; 

    CString pathname,strLine; 
    CString filename;
    CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);
    if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
         pathname=dlg.GetPathName(); // return full path and filename

    CStdioFile File;

    if(File.Open(pathname, CFile::modeRead)) // Open file to be read 
         while(File.ReadString(strLine)) // Read file 
                     int Position = 0; 
                     CString Token; 

                     CAtlString str(strLine);
                     CAtlString resToken,resToken1;

                     resToken = str.Tokenize(_T("-:, "), Position);
                     if(resToken != (_T(""))) // Empty File Check
                     hItem = trCtrl.InsertItem(resToken , 0, 2 );

                           _tprintf_s(_T("Token: %s\n"), resToken);
                           resToken = str.Tokenize(_T("-:, "), Position); 
                           hsc = trCtrl.InsertItem(resToken , 0, 2 ,hItem);

                           resToken = str.Tokenize(_T("-:, "), Position);
                           trCtrl.InsertItem(resToken , 0, 2 ,hsc);

                           resToken = str.Tokenize(_T("-:, "), Position);
                           trCtrl.InsertItem(resToken , 0, 2 ,hsc);
Updated 4-Apr-13 20:15pm

1 solution

Please don't repost the same question; edit your original.
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H.Brydon 3-Apr-13 11:25am    
??? - this is a solution?
You did just as bad here as what you are advising against.
[no name] 3-Apr-13 11:51am    
H.Brydon 3-Apr-13 13:50pm    
You posted a non-solution as Solution 1, telling OP not to mis-use the system.
[no name] 3-Apr-13 15:15pm    
It's added as a solution to remove it from the unanswered queue; which is the generally accepted way here.

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