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Facid Facname

1 ram
2 suresh
3 vignesh
4 yadhav
5 kumar

Bthfac table as follows

Bfid Facid

1 1,2
2 2,3
3 3,4
4 4,5

code as follows in show button

sql = "select distinct r.rate,f.bfid as BFid,CASE  FROM bthfac AS f,batch b,facfeedback  r where month(b.examdate)= '" + Ddlmonth.Text.ToString() + "' and  year(b.examdate)=  '" + DropDownList2.Text.ToString() + "' and r.bfid=f.bfid and b.bthid=f.bthid and f.facid = ' +  DropDownList4.Text.ToString().Trim() + '";
 dr = scon.ReadSql(sql);
 GridView.DataSource = dr;
 GridView.Visible = true;

in run mode as follows;

Month ddlmonth (dropdownlist)
Year dropdownlist2
facid dropdownlist4

for example in run mode select the month,year and facid from the dropdownlist

Month 10
Year 2011
facid 1,2

when i select the three dropdownlist values and click the Show button.

in gridview records not displaying.

please help me.

what is the problem in my above code.

i think in dropdownlist4 facid values is 1,2. so we have to split the facid .

please help me.

Narasiman P.
Updated 15-May-13 22:56pm
Hemant Singh Rautela 16-May-13 5:15am    
use the Debugger and find what value in dr --> dr = scon.ReadSql(sql);....
Mayur Panchal 16-May-13 7:04am    
Yes, you need to debug the code. Find what the actual query is executed and try that query to execute in SQL query editor then you will find what the actual problem is.
RelicV 16-May-13 7:56am    
also, try this
f.facid IN (" + DropDownList4.Text.ToString().Trim() + ")";
instead of
f.facid = ' + DropDownList4.Text.ToString().Trim() + '";

Remove the ddl.Text.Tostring() and Place Ddl.SelectedText and Debug the code
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You have to go into the Gridview Control and configure it to be bound to the dropdown boxes.
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