Facid Facname
1 ram
2 suresh
3 vignesh
4 yadhav
5 kumar
Bthfac table as follows
Bfid Facid
1 1,2
2 2,3
3 3,4
4 4,5
code as follows in show button
sql = "select distinct r.rate,f.bfid as BFid,CASE FROM bthfac AS f,batch b,facfeedback r where month(b.examdate)= '" + Ddlmonth.Text.ToString() + "' and year(b.examdate)= '" + DropDownList2.Text.ToString() + "' and r.bfid=f.bfid and b.bthid=f.bthid and f.facid = ' + DropDownList4.Text.ToString().Trim() + '";
dr = scon.ReadSql(sql);
GridView.DataSource = dr;
GridView.Visible = true;
in run mode as follows;
Month ddlmonth (dropdownlist)
Year dropdownlist2
facid dropdownlist4
for example in run mode select the month,year and facid from the dropdownlist
Month 10
Year 2011
facid 1,2
when i select the three dropdownlist values and click the Show button.
in gridview records not displaying.
please help me.
what is the problem in my above code.
i think in dropdownlist4 facid values is 1,2. so we have to split the facid .
please help me.
Narasiman P.