What have you learned before you got here? Not much.
What have Eclipse and Java to do with each other? One thing: Eclipse is
one of many Java IDEs.
Here is a list of the most used ones[
^], but you can write java source with notepad if you don't have anything else. The only thing you need is the environment with the compiler (
^]). Once you have your source, you compile it, package it, and simply run it:
Depending on it's content, the application package or class can be started as console and as windowed application:
The java and javaw tools start a Java™ application by starting a Java Runtime Environment and loading a specified class.
The javaw command is identical to java, except that javaw has no associated console window. Use javaw when you do not want a command prompt window to be displayed. The javaw launcher displays a window with error information if it fails.