Try If (con.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then con.Open() End If Dim curdir As String = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase If ID <> 0 Then If (Not txtFileUploadPath.Text = Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFileUploadPath.Text)) Then FileIO.FileSystem.DeleteFile(curdir & "Excel\" & Subject) ' objdal.ExamSchedule = CmboSubject.Text & "_" & CmboSub_Subject.Text & "." & txtFileUploadPath.Text.Split(New Char(), ("."))(1).ToString() objdal.ExamSchedule = TxtSubject.Text & "." & txtFileUploadPath.Text.Split(New Char(), ("."))(1).ToString() FileCopy(txtFileUploadPath.Text, curdir & "Excel\" & objdal.ExamSchedule) Else objdal.ExamSchedule = "" End If objdal.ID = ID objdal.UpdateExamSchedule() Else Dim doc As String() Dim ext As String doc = txtFileUploadPath.Text.Split(New Char(), (".")) ext = doc(doc.Length - 1) If (Not txtFileUploadPath.Text = Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFileUploadPath.Text)) Then ' objdal.ExamSchedule = CmboSubject.Text & "_" & CmboSub_Subject.Text & "." & ext objdal.ExamSchedule = TxtSubject.Text & "." & ext FileCopy(txtFileUploadPath.Text, curdir & "Excel\" & objdal.ExamSchedule) Else objdal.ExamSchedule = "" End If Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("insert into FileUpload(Sid,Sub_ID,CID,Sub_Cid,Subject,FileUpload)Values(" & CmboSubject.SelectedValue & "," & CmboSub_Subject.SelectedValue & "," & CmboCategory.SelectedValue & "," & CmboSubCategory.SelectedValue & ",@Subject,@image)", con) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Subject", Convert.ToString(TxtSubject.Text)) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@image", txtFileUploadPath.Text) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() MessageBox.Show("file Upload") cleartxt() con.Close() End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()) End Try
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