You can compare the amount of lines ...
If their are more lines in your new CSV then that means records have been added. This will only work if you know that other data is the same.
[] oldCSV = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("LOCATION");
[] newCSV = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("LOCATION");
if ((newCSV.Length - 1) > (oldCSV.Length)) {
for (diff = Convert.ToInt32(((newCSV.Length - 1) > (oldCSV.Length))); diff <= newCSV.Length; diff++) {
} else {
If you want to compare each line to see if a certain value has been changed then you can loop through both of them.
[] oldCSV = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("LOCATION");
[] newCSV = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("LOCATION");
foreach (object oldRecord_loopVariable in oldCSV) {
oldRecord = oldRecord_loopVariable;
foreach (object newRecord_loopVariable in newCSV) {
newRecord = newRecord_loopVariable;
if (oldRecord == newRecord) {
} else {