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I have a textbox(fromdate) in itemtemplate of gridview which shows curentdate by default.
user click on the textbox so that a datetieme picker popups and selectd date set to the textbox.
problem is on which ever fromdate textbox is clicked from any row of girdview the datetime picker value is setting the value to the textbox on the first row, instead of set from current click of textbox
jquery used
$(function () {
  changeMonth: true,
  changeYear: true,
  minDate: new Date(2012, 12, 1)

Ashutosh Mahto 20-Aug-13 6:58am    
You may be using Id with ClientIDMode="static" for each of the textbox in gridview. Is it so?

Hello Reddy;

1st, you need to have the textbox in a template field object of the grid view as shown below:

<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="gridView1">
                <asp:Label Text='<%# Eval("hiredDate;) %>' runat="server" />
                <asp:TextBox runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("hiredDate") %>' ID="hiredDateTextBox" CssClass="dateInput" />

    $(function () {
        var $grid = $("table[id$=gridView1]");
        var $tr = $("> tbody > tr:not(:has(th, table))", $grid);
        var $dateInputFields = $(".dateInput", $tr);


Hope this helps you?
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See this link using Ajax Calendar Control.
Ajax Calendar Control[^]
thank u.
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Refer to this link. You will definitely be able to resolve this.

Implement jquery datepicker plugin in gridview control[^]

It states that:
Since the ASP.Net GridView control repeats the textboxes it changes their ClientID hence we have used this LIKE selector so that it finds and applies the jQuery plugin to all textboxes.

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