i am new to MVC,Can someone tell me how to use an action from controller when rendering a partial view in a view.
for example,i have a model Users:
public class items
public string itemname{ get; set; }
public int itemid{ get; set; }
and i am returning users list by using a storeproc
public static List<items> GetAvailableItems(int userid, string applicationcode)
var dbcontext = new MasterDataContext();
var applications = dbcontext.SPGeTItemList(userid
, applicationcode).ToList();
var appList = new List<Items>();
if (applications.Any())
appList.AddRange(applications.Select(apps => new Items()
{ appName = apps.APPLICATION_CODE }));
return appList;
in my controller i have an action in my controller
public ActionResult Applications()
const string strApplicationCode = "APP";
int userid = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["sysUserId"]);
var applist = GetAvailableItems(userid, strApplicationCode);
return PartialView(applist);
And partial view Items.cshtml
@model Items
ViewBag.Title = "Items";
@foreach (var item in Model) {
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.itemname)
and i am rendring this partial view in my main view
ViewBag.Title = "Home";
<div class="rdPanel">
settings =>
settings.Name = "rpFeatures";
settings.HeaderText = "Available Items";
settings.Width = 800;
settings.SetContent(() =>
} );
But how can i use my action to get the list from db.