=> Right Click on your web solution.
=> Add New Folder and Rename it to App_GlobalResources.
=> Right Click on newly added folder App_GlobalResources.
=> Click on Add->New Item....
=> Expand Visual C# Under Installed Templates Panel and Select General.
=> Add ResourcesFile (you may rename it as you wish like Multiligual).
=> Here you will find a key value pair in a grid like page.
=> Add a key and required value against that specific key.
=> This Resource file said Multiligual will be the default resource file of your project.
=> For different laguages add new files and rename them like if you want chinese the name will be Multiligual.zh-CN.resx similarly if it is english then the name will be Multiligual.en-US.resx (You may get the codes from
=> Play the actual game and set the culture of your Application or Page. In the case of page add UICulture="es" Culture="es-MX" to the page tag on the top of the aspx file.In the case of Application use fillowing line of codes where ever you want (like on application start and etc.)
protected override void InitializeCulture()
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
What ever you set the culture the complier will read the keys from relevent extentioned file. Like in this case the key will be readen from Multiligual.en-US.resx. But if this file does not exists then the default file will be searched for the given key.
=> Now your job has been done. Now you just have to eat the cooked rice.
=> If you are going to give the key in ASPX file just give it like this.
<asp:label runat="server" id="lblMultiligual" text="<%$ Resources: MultiLingual, key %>" xmlns:asp="#unknown"></asp:label>
=> If it is required in Code Behind File (.cs).
GetGlobalResourceObject("MultiLingual", "key")
Wish you best of luck.