Hey there Glen,
Not sure if there is an easy way of direct conversion but you could try this:
1. Open Excel as database
string connection_string = @"Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=C:\file.xls;ReadOnly=1;ColNameHeader=False";
OdbcConnection oConnection = new OdbcConnection(connection_string);
string SQLstr = "SQL code to read your xls file";
OdbcCommand oCommand = new OdbcCommand(SQLstr, oConnection);
OdbcDataReader dReader = oCommand.ExecuteReader();
while (dReader.Read())
2. Read it into internal storage (could be some generic List<t>, where T could be your data structure)
List<your_structur> myStorage = new List<your_structure>();
while (dReader.Read())
myStorage.Add(dReader.GetValue(0), dReader.GetValue(1), .... );
3. Create the DBF (or other database file) and insert the data from your List<t> into the newly create DBF database.
I've done exactly the same as you need to do except that I needed to insert everything into MS SQL server and the approach defined above worked just fine. Hope it's give you a hand as well.