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I am retrieving some names from a database based on some conditions. The names are then displayed in a listbox. When I select a name, that person's details should be displayed in the same form. The person's name and other details are stored in the same table. How can I do this?

Please help with code.........

My code is as follows.........

<%@ Language = VBScript%>
<% Response.Buffer = True
<title>PERSONAL DETAILS</title>
Dim da
da = date()
Dim rs
Set rs = Server.CreateObject (&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
rs.Open &quot;details&quot;, &quot;DSN=Personal&quot;
Dim yy
Dim mm
dim age, caste, rscaste, ageto, gender
age = Request.Form (&quot;D1&quot;) '( Taken from another form in another asp file)
caste = Request.Form (&quot;D2&quot;)
ageto = Request.Form (&quot;D3&quot;)
gender = Request.Form (&quot;R1&quot;)
a = cint (age)
b = cint (ageto) %>
<form method=&quot;POST&quot; action=&quot;--WEBBOT-SELF--&quot;>
<!--webbot bot=&quot;SaveResults&quot; u-file=&quot;fpweb:///_private/form_results.csv&quot; s-format=&quot;TEXT/CSV&quot; s-label-fields=&quot;TRUE&quot; --><p>
Name&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; :&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; <select size=&quot;1&quot; name=&quot;D1&quot; size = &quot;20&quot;>
<% While Not rs.EOF
mm = DateDiff(&quot;m&quot;, rs(&quot;DOB&quot;), da)
if mm >= 12 then
yy = cint(mm/12)
end if
' Selecting records by age
for i = age to ageto
rscaste = rs(&quot;Caste&quot;)
if yy = i then
' Selecting records by caste
if caste = rscaste then
' Selecting records by Gender
if not rs(&quot;Gender&quot;) = gender then
<option value = &quot;<%=rs(&quot;Name&quot;)%>&quot;><%=rs(&quot;Name&quot;)%></option>
end if
end if
end if
Wend %></select></form>
Set rs = Nothing
Updated 17-Mar-10 10:50am

1 solution

Double Click On ListBox .
In SlelectedIndexChanged Event of list box , pick the selected value of
List Box. Fire the query to the database, specify the listbox value in the WHERE clause, and retrive the data and display it in grid or TextBox.

Hoping this enough for ur question.
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