i'm using matlab 2013a (win7 64bit). How did you resolve this error message in the following code?
Undefined function 'resize' for input arguments of type 'double'.
in line ( scaled = (resize(im, 1/sc^(i-1)));)
code :
function [feat, scale] = featpyramid(im, sbin, interval)
% [feat, scale] = featpyramid(im, sbin, interval);
% Compute feature pyramid.
% sbin is the size of a HOG cell - it should be even.
% interval is the number of scales in an octave of the pyramid.
% feat{i} is the i-th level of the feature pyramid.
% scale{i} is the scaling factor used for the i-th level.
% feat{i+interval} is computed at exactly half the resolution of feat{i}.
% first octave halucinates higher resolution data.
sc = 2 ^(1/interval);
imsize = [size(im, 1) size(im, 2)];
max_scale = 1 + floor(log(min(imsize)/(5*sbin))/log(sc));
feat = cell(max_scale + interval, 1);
scale = zeros(max_scale + interval, 1);
% our resize function wants floating point values
im = double(im);
for i = 1:interval
scaled = (resize(im, 1/sc^(i-1)));
% "first" 2x interval
feat{i} = features(scaled, sbin/2);
scale(i) = 2/sc^(i-1);
% "second" 2x interval
feat{i+interval} = features(scaled, sbin);
scale(i+interval) = 1/sc^(i-1);
% remaining interals
for j = i+interval:interval:max_scale
scaled = resize(scaled, 0.5);
feat{j+interval} = features(scaled, sbin);
scale(j+interval) = 0.5 * scale(j);
code resize.cc :
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mex.h"
struct alphainfo {
int si, di;
double alpha;
void alphacopy(double *src, double *dst, struct alphainfo *ofs, int n) {
struct alphainfo *end = ofs + n;
while (ofs != end) {
dst[ofs->di] += ofs->alpha * src[ofs->si];
void resize1dtran(double *src, int sheight, double *dst, int dheight,
int width, int chan) {
double scale = (double)dheight/(double)sheight;
double invscale = (double)sheight/(double)dheight;
int len = (int)ceil(dheight*invscale) + 2*dheight;
alphainfo ofs[len];
int k = 0;
for (int dy = 0; dy < dheight; dy++) {
double fsy1 = dy * invscale;
double fsy2 = fsy1 + invscale;
int sy1 = (int)ceil(fsy1);
int sy2 = (int)floor(fsy2);
if (sy1 - fsy1 > 1e-3) {
assert(k < len);
assert(sy-1 >= 0);
ofs[k].di = dy*width;
ofs[k].si = sy1-1;
ofs[k++].alpha = (sy1 - fsy1) * scale;
for (int sy = sy1; sy < sy2; sy++) {
assert(k < len);
assert(sy < sheight);
ofs[k].di = dy*width;
ofs[k].si = sy;
ofs[k++].alpha = scale;
if (fsy2 - sy2 > 1e-3) {
assert(k < len);
assert(sy2 < sheight);
ofs[k].di = dy*width;
ofs[k].si = sy2;
ofs[k++].alpha = (fsy2 - sy2) * scale;
bzero(dst, chan*width*dheight*sizeof(double));
for (int c = 0; c < chan; c++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
double *s = src + c*width*sheight + x*sheight;
double *d = dst + c*width*dheight + x;
alphacopy(s, d, ofs, k);
mxArray *resize(const mxArray *mxsrc, const mxArray *mxscale) {
double *src = (double *)mxGetPr(mxsrc);
const int *sdims = mxGetDimensions(mxsrc);
if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(mxsrc) != 3 ||
mxGetClassID(mxsrc) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS)
mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid input");
double scale = mxGetScalar(mxscale);
if (scale > 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid scaling factor");
int ddims[3];
ddims[0] = (int)round(sdims[0]*scale);
ddims[1] = (int)round(sdims[1]*scale);
ddims[2] = sdims[2];
mxArray *mxdst = mxCreateNumericArray(3, ddims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
double *dst = (double *)mxGetPr(mxdst);
double *tmp = (double *)mxCalloc(ddims[0]*sdims[1]*sdims[2], sizeof(double));
resize1dtran(src, sdims[0], tmp, ddims[0], sdims[1], sdims[2]);
resize1dtran(tmp, sdims[1], dst, ddims[1], ddims[0], sdims[2]);
return mxdst;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
if (nrhs != 2)
mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of inputs");
if (nlhs != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of outputs");
plhs[0] = resize(prhs[0], prhs[1]);