There are a couple of things to think about here:
1) As mentioned the Session length may be too short - this is generally configured by the hosting service, but in IIS it defaults to 20 minutes, so unless you are using a very, very cheap host it is unlikely to run out that quickly.
2) There is a
Script timeout[
^] which defaults to 200 seconds: rather close to the "around 3 minutes" you quote as the problem time so I would start by looking at that - it is quite possible that the server has got fed up waiting for CR to respond and killed your app, which would end the session and could return you to a log in screen.
But there is a much more significant problem here: How many users do you know who are going to sit waiting from a web page for 30 seconds, much less three minutes? My boredom threshold starts to cut in around five seconds, and will kill pages if they don't respond in ten or might be worth your looking at a better way to handle this, as I suspect users will not be happy to sit there waiting "for ever"...