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alter function fzz(@mdvn int,@fdate date,@tdate date)
returns @tabs table
	DVN int,
	PHC int,
	HSC int,
	ANC int,
	TT1 int,
	TTB int,
	IFA int,
	BP int,
	HB int
declare @DVN int,@PHC int,@HSC int,@ANC int,@TT1 int,@TTB int,@IFA int,@BP int,@HB int,@ANC4 int
declare fnc cursor for
select dvn_cd,phc_cd,hsc_cd,sum(ANC1) as ANC,SUM(TT1) as TT1,sum(TTB2) as TT2,sum(IFA1) as IFA,sum(BP1) as BP,sum(HB1) as HB,sum(ANC4) as ANC4 from
select dvn_cd,phc_cd,hsc_cd,
    case when visit_no=3 and Visit_date between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as ANC1,
    case when TTB=1 and TTDate between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as TT1,
    case when TTB>1 and TTDate between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as TTB2,
    case when IFA=100 and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0  end as IFA1, 	 
    case when BP>='140/90' and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0  end as BP1,
    case when HB<11 and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0  end as HB1,
    case when visit_no=4 and Visit_date between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as ANC4
from anvisits3 where dvn_cd=@mdvn and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate
)a group by dvn_cd,phc_cd,hsc_cd
open fnc
	fetch next from fnc into @DVN,@PHC,@HSC,@ANC,@TT1,@TTB,@IFA,@BP,@HB,@ANC4 
	while @@fetch_status=0
		 insert into @tabs
            select 'DVN'+convert(varchar(20),@DVN),'PHC'+convert(varchar(20),@PHC),'HSC'+convert(varchar(20),@HSC),
        fetch next from fnc into @DVN,@PHC,@HSC,@ANC,@TT1,@TTB,@IFA,@BP,@HB,@ANC4

SELECT * FROM fzz(40,'2011/01/01','2011/12/31')

Error as
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'DVN40' to data type int.
Updated 8-Jan-14 23:19pm

alter function fzz(@mdvn int,@fdate date,@tdate date)
returns @tabs table
	DVN varchar(23),
        -- Leave the rest unchanged

You are trying to store a varchar value in an integer variable; which is obviously not possible.
You have to change the type of the DVN column in the @tabs table.
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Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter 9-Jan-14 6:43am    
Your state, that "trying to store a varchar value in an integer variable; which is obviously not possible" is not quite true.
It depends on the value...
phil.o 9-Jan-14 6:49am    
Could you give an example where storing a value with letters in an int variable is possible?
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter 9-Jan-14 7:07am    
You right if we talk about letters, but you state that nvarchar can't be stored in int - that's not true - it depends on it's value...
phil.o 9-Jan-14 7:22am    
I was talking about concrete facts deducted from the code that has been given.
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter 9-Jan-14 7:24am    
In that case you wasn't so me :-)
@DVN gets the value 40 (as @mdvn is 40) and then in your select
select 'DVN'+convert(varchar(20),@DVN)

you push the value 'DVN40' back to @DVN which is int!!!
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