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Using this following code checkbox dynamically generate inside a datalist

<asp:DataList runat="server" ID="DataList2" RepeatDirection="Vertical">
        <table width="290px">
                <td align="left" width="200px"><asp:CheckBox ID="chkBttn" CssClass="chck_btn" ToolTip='<%# Eval("OptionalServicesDetails")%>' Text='<%# Eval("OptionalServicesName")%>' Checked="false" runat="server" OnCheckedChanged="CheckBox_CheckedChanged1" AutoPostBack="true" /></td>
                <td align="right" width="90px"><strong> <asp:Label ID="ExtraPrice" Text='<%# "+Rs"+ Eval("Price")+".00"+" "+Eval("OptionalServicesDetailsExtra") %>' runat="server"></asp:Label></strong> </td>


using OnCheckedChanged event checkbox value can be received in the server end, but if the same thing i want to do using JQuery ie send checkbox value from client side to server end using JQuery is that possible? if yes then how is that?

Please share your view.
Thanks in advance.
Updated 19-Jan-14 18:56pm
Karthik_Mahalingam 18-Jan-14 0:04am    
yes it can be done in jquery, but why do you complicate it ??
sahabiswarup 18-Jan-14 0:06am    
because in this present condition while select the checkbox updateprogress panel comes and its takes few times to refresh the update panel; so i think if i use JQuery process will work a bit faster without much loading time.
Am i wrong?
Karthik_Mahalingam 18-Jan-14 2:24am    
always reply to the user, then only they will get notified ..
Karthik_Mahalingam 18-Jan-14 2:26am    
what action your are doing on the checkbox cick ??
sahabiswarup 18-Jan-14 3:51am    
while checkbox is clicked its value has forwarded to the server end.


If you want to handle CheckBox change event using jquery then there is no need to do Postback and any postback method as you used in your code
OnCheckedChanged="CheckBox_CheckedChanged1" AutoPostBack="true" 

remove above code.

Below is the changed code
<asp:datalist runat="server" id="DataList2" repeatdirection="Vertical" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
        <table width="290px">
                <td align="left" width="200px"><asp:checkbox id="chkBttn" cssclass="chck_btn" tooltip="<%# Eval("OptionalServicesDetails")%>" text="<%# Eval("OptionalServicesName")%>" checked="false" runat="server" onclick="return DoOperation(this)" /></td>
                <td align="right" width="90px"> <asp:label id="ExtraPrice" text="<%# "+Rs"+ Eval("Price")+".00"+" "+Eval("OptionalServicesDetailsExtra") %>" runat="server"></asp:label> </td>

below is the JS code
function DoOperation(cntr)
// cntr is your checkbox var on which user clicked 
// do your operation
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sahabiswarup 20-Jan-14 1:28am    
Thanks for this example; but this is not working. I've put alert('checked'); but no message comes while selecting the checkbox.
try like this..

create a hidden button on the screen and some hidden fields to read the row values.
on change of the check box in the client side ( javascript) you can read the row values and assign in the hidden fields
and you can read the same in the server in the button click event...

<html xmlns="">
    <script src="jquery-1.10.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script language="Javascript">
        var change = function (thisctrl) {
            document.getElementById('hdnfldName').value = thisctrl.nextSibling.innerHTML;
            document.getElementById('hdnfldChecked').value = thisctrl.checked;

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:DataList runat="server" ID="DataList2" RepeatDirection="Vertical">
            <table width="290px">
                    <td align="left" width="200px">
                        <asp:CheckBox ID="chkBttn" CssClass="chck_btn" Text='<%# Eval("OptionalServicesName")%>'
                            onclick="change(this)" Checked="false" runat="server"  />
    <asp:Button ID="btnHidden" runat="server" Style="visibility: hidden" OnClick="btnHidden_Click" />
    <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnfldName" Value="" />
    <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnfldChecked" Value="" />

protected void btnHidden_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string currentItem = hdnfldName.Value;
    bool currentItemCHeked =  Convert.ToBoolean( hdnfldChecked.Value);
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sahabiswarup 20-Jan-14 2:23am    
Thanks for this solution, but this doesn't solve my problem. actually all these controls are inside updateprogress panel so i want to use javascript not to display the progressTemplate(LOADING). But after using this still getting that loading....
Please suggest how to solve this.
Karthik_Mahalingam 20-Jan-14 2:28am    
then u can hide the progress bar using javascript
fine ??
sahabiswarup 20-Jan-14 2:29am    
if it is possible have a look at this link,click on "Book online"; there is one [4.Extras]; that datalist event i want to do using javascript.
Karthik_Mahalingam 20-Jan-14 3:23am    
Karthik_Mahalingam 20-Jan-14 3:26am    
do like this..
on click of the check box you disable the image
imgloading = style display - none
after the action is done then u enable it. in the code behind...

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