The code used here is on a Romanian web site which seems to be accessible now only via the Google cached page: [
The same code is used on this web-site: [
^], where the code shows a claim to Copyright by "Rajesh G." The code there also demonstrates the use of encryption and decryption of the Text used.
The OP here also has the same question on StackOverFlow: [
We have no direct evidence here that tells us what type of image file the OP is loading before applying the steganographic transformation. We don't know how many bits-per-pixel there are in the image file source, or how many bits-per-pixel are used in saving the transformed image. The code, obviously, shows we are dealing with
at least 24 bpp (one byte each R G B). Seems reasonable to assume the image is being saved as a 24 bpp .png file (no indication the alpha channel is being used).
A cursory examination of the code suggests the processing is not adding any bytes/pixels to the image.
imho, the principle of Occam's Razor modulo "reasonable doubt" suggests we don't have enough information to make a reasonable guess, but I don't work for the NSA :)