I am a C# developer that has a basic knowledge of PowerPoint. I recently added PowerPoint 2010 to my software so I could create a movie from a PowerPoint presentation to post on the net. It has turned out to be a real issue. I don't seem to be able to get it done. The issue is the Audio file. I can attach sound and it plays just fine as a show file (.ppsx format), but when I try to convert it to a movie, it fails due to the sound import (an .mp3) file. I have read everything I can find on the net and am unable to find a solution. The error says that the video must be "embedded', not attached, but I do not see a way to do it. The tools with PowerPoint don't seem to show how to do it. I have tried changing the file to a (.wav) also but it does not matter (not to mention the SIZE of it). I did find an external application (Moyea) that does this, but the quality and clarity are marginal compared to a silent version of my presentation that I made with 2010 that came out just fine. So...is there a way to 'Embed' a video file into 2010? I also tried recreating the presentation in a 2003 format and up converting it, but that did not work either. Although I have been a member of Code Project for over 10 years, I have never used the forum in this way, so I hope this is the correct place. I did a search here to see if this question had already been answered, but it has not. You assistance is appreciated. Pat