Hi all
I am generating text file like report-1, report-2 etc.
Now while printing how to print them at a single command.
means sometime there may be 2 report files or may be 4.
so how to write the loop to take all the files and print them one by one with a delay.
int lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\ReportPrint.txt").Count();
if (printerType == "2 Inch Printer" && lines > 50)
string s = "CMD /c COPY " + Program.DeptFilePath + "ReportPrint-1.txt" + " " + billingBHWS.TokenPrinter;
Interaction.Shell(s, AppWinStyle.Hide, false, 1000);
string s11 = "CMD /c COPY " + Program.DeptFilePath + "ReportPrint-2.txt" + " " + billingBHWS.TokenPrinter;
Interaction.Shell(s11, AppWinStyle.Hide, false, 1000);
string s22 = "CMD /c COPY " + Program.DeptFilePath + "ReportPrint-3.txt" + " " + billingBHWS.TokenPrinter;
Interaction.Shell(s22, AppWinStyle.Hide, false, 1000);
This is the code i am using now for printing.here my report file is fix (i.e. 3)so i wrote like this.
This i want to make in single line.
Please tell me how to do this..