Try it :) :
CRect cCellRect;
GetCellRect(iRow, iCol, cCellRect);
if (ClientToScreen(cCellRect)) {
SetCursorPos(cCellRect.left +1, +1);
Mt Morph wrote:
but there is noch function GetCellRect(iRow,iCol,cCellRect)
Why are you thinking so ? :)
Mt Morph wrote:
Now i want the cursor being between these both words ?
Would it be a correct result ? :) :
CGridCellBase* pcCell = GetCell(GetFocusCell());
if (pcCell) {
CEdit* pcEdit = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CEdit, pcCell->GetEditWnd());
if (pcEdit) {
pcEdit->SetSel(5, 5);