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Hello all I have been putting a project together to use a google analytics api sample provided by google to extract custom data into a csv file every 24 hrs. I have recieved a lot of help from the community

here is the code that came up with that seems to somewhat work take a look.

public class HelloAnalyticsApiSample {

   * Be sure to specify the name of your application. If the application name is {@code null} or
   * blank, the application will log a warning. Suggested format is "MyCompany-ProductName/1.0".
  private static final String APPLICATION_NAME ="Analytics Data Extractor";

  /** Directory to store user credentials. */
  private static final DATA_STORE_DIR =
      new"user.home"), ".store/analytics_sample");

   * Global instance of the {@link DataStoreFactory}. The best practice is to make it a single
   * globally shared instance across your application.
  private static FileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory;

  /** Global instance of the HTTP transport. */
  private static HttpTransport httpTransport;

  /** Global instance of the JSON factory. */
  private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();

   * Main demo. This first initializes an analytics service object. It then uses the Google
   * Analytics Management API to get the first profile ID for the authorized user. It then uses the
   * Core Reporting API to retrieve the top 25 organic search terms. Finally the results are printed
   * to the screen. If an API error occurs, it is printed here.
   * @param args command line args.
  public static void main(String[] args) {

      int delay = 5000; // delay for 5 sec.
      int period = 86400000; // repeat every sec.

      Timer timer = new Timer();
      timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask()
          public void run()
        }, delay, period);

    try {
      httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
      dataStoreFactory = new FileDataStoreFactory(DATA_STORE_DIR);
      Analytics analytics = initializeAnalytics();
      String profileId = getFirstProfileId(analytics);
      if (profileId == null) {
        System.err.println("No profiles found.");
      } else {
        GaData gaData = executeDataQuery(analytics, profileId);
    } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
      System.err.println("There was a service error: " + e.getDetails().getCode() + " : "
          + e.getDetails().getMessage());
    } catch (Throwable t) {

  /** Authorizes the installed application to access user's protected data. */
  private static Credential authorize() throws Exception {
    // load client secrets
    GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.load(
        JSON_FACTORY, new InputStreamReader(
    if (clientSecrets.getDetails().getClientId().startsWith("Enter")
        || clientSecrets.getDetails().getClientSecret().startsWith("Enter ")) {
          "Enter Client ID and Secret from "
          + "into analytics-cmdline-sample/src/main/resources/client_secrets.json");
    // set up authorization code flow
    GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
        httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, clientSecrets,
    // authorize
    return new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, new LocalServerReceiver()).authorize("user");

   * Performs all necessary setup steps for running requests against the API.
   * @return An initialized Analytics service object.
   * @throws Exception if an issue occurs with OAuth2Native authorize.
  private static Analytics initializeAnalytics() throws Exception {
    // Authorization.
    Credential credential = authorize();

    // Set up and return Google Analytics API client.
    return new Analytics.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, credential).setApplicationName(

   * Returns the first profile id by traversing the Google Analytics Management API. This makes 3
   * queries, first to the accounts collection, then to the web properties collection, and finally
   * to the profiles collection. In each request the first ID of the first entity is retrieved and
   * used in the query for the next collection in the hierarchy.
   * @param analytics the analytics service object used to access the API.
   * @return the profile ID of the user's first account, web property, and profile.
   * @throws IOException if the API encounters an error.
  private static String getFirstProfileId(Analytics analytics) throws IOException {
    String profileId = null;

    // Query accounts collection.
    Accounts accounts =;

    if (accounts.getItems().isEmpty()) {
      System.err.println("No accounts found");
    } else {
      String firstAccountId = accounts.getItems().get(0).getId();

      // Query webproperties collection.
      Webproperties webproperties =

      if (webproperties.getItems().isEmpty()) {
        System.err.println("No Webproperties found");
      } else {
        String firstWebpropertyId = webproperties.getItems().get(0).getId();

        // Query profiles collection.
        Profiles profiles =
  , firstWebpropertyId).execute();

        if (profiles.getItems().isEmpty()) {
          System.err.println("No profiles found");
        } else {
          profileId = profiles.getItems().get(0).getId();
    return profileId;

   * @param analytics the analytics service object used to access the API.
   * @param profileId the profile ID from which to retrieve data.
   * @return the response from the API.
   * @throws IOException tf an API error occured.
  private static GaData executeDataQuery(Analytics analytics, String profileId) throws IOException {
    return"ga:" + XXXXXXXX, // Table Id. ga: + profile id.
        "yesterday", // Start date.
        "yesterday", // End date.
        "ga:pageviews, ga:sessions, ga:uniquePageviews") // Metrics.

   * Prints the output from the Core Reporting API. The profile name is printed along with each
   * column name and all the data in the rows.
   * @param results data returned from the Core Reporting API.

private static void printGaData(GaData results) {

     //csv printer
     PrintWriter pw = null;
     try {
         pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("data.csv")));
     } catch (Exception e) {
         System.out.println("I could not open the output csv file, see stacktrace below:");

  // If pw is still null here, the PrintWriter is not available and continuing would be pointless
     if (pw==null) {

   //getting the queries to print
     if (results.getRows() == null || results.getRows().isEmpty()) {
         // Although technically not ''wrong'', using printf here is not the best solution
         pw.println("No results Found.");
         // But it might be better to just write that message in the output window, and not in the csv file
         System.out.println("No results Found.");
     } else {

    // Print column headers.
       for (ColumnHeaders header : results.getColumnHeaders()) {
           pw.print(header.getName() + ", ");

      // Print actual data.
      for (List<String> row : results.getRows()) {
        for (String column : row) {
          pw.print(column + ",");

couple things that i am concerned with:

- it does not output the correct info that is on the google analytics website
- i dont know if the timer is properly working

thanks and shout outs to all other users that helped me along the way

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