public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); int res = VLC.VLC_load(Player.Handle); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int res = VLC.VLC_play("D:\\tmp2\\3.rmvb"); } public static class VLC { [DllImport("MagicPlayer.dll")] public extern static int VLC_load(IntPtr window); [DllImport("MagicPlayer.dll")] public extern static int VLC_go_back_to_last_stop(); [DllImport("MagicPlayer.dll")] public extern static int VLC_pause(); [DllImport("MagicPlayer.dll")] public extern static int VLC_play(string fileName); [DllImport("MagicPlayer.dll")] public extern static int VLC_release(); }
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