I don't think so. The question contains some absurdity: a div on "on multiple places of the same page" is not the "same div" by definition.
You need to do the following:
- Review your UI design to avoid identical of very similar content on different places on a page. Not only it's bad for programming and maintenance, it will also confuse the users and provoke their mistakes. Instead, thing of the principle: "Don't Repeat Yourself": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself[^].
For example, you can provide a single place to enter the applicant data. It could be done just once, based on authentication and user's profile. Even if you need to enter such data on the page of the application, you can have it in a single place. The set of vacancies to apply for could be a separate set of check boxed generated by your code behind based on the search results. - Even if you have some almost identical fragments of HTML on the same page (best avoided though), you need to re-use this code leveraging the benefits of ASP.NET server-side code. For example, you could have some textual template of the HTML fragment, with some parameters you substitute during runtime. You code behind should read the template from some resource, substitute parameters and generate some HTML on the fly, which should be put in the HTTP response.
Good luck,
- —SA