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Can some one help me to find this...
jo.him1988 9-Jul-14 4:25am    
Hi, here is an example of transfering data from view to controller
i have made a model class TestString which have a property of list<string>myFriendList
i am using this collection string to bind with listbox and sending this details to controller here is the code

1 solution

@model TestMVC4.Controllers.TestString
    ViewBag.Title = "Transfer";

@using (Html.BeginForm("redirectObject", "Collection", Model.myFriendList))
{ <h2>Transfer</h2>
@Html.ListBoxFor(s=>s.myFriendList, new SelectList(Model.myFriendList))
  <button  type="submit" value="test" name="btnSubmit"></button>

 public class CollectionController : Controller
        // GET: /Collection/

        public ActionResult Index()
            TestString MyListBoxFriends = new TestString();
            List<string> friends = new List<string>();
            MyListBoxFriends.myFriendList = friends;
            return View("Transfer", MyListBoxFriends);
        public ActionResult redirectObject(TestString cc)
            var yourFriendList = cc.myFriendList;
            return View("YourView");
//this is model class which is bind to view
    public class TestString
        public List<string> myFriendList { get; set; }
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