Hi friends, i am using ajax tab panel control for tabbing in one of my form.
I have stored the form data in database and manage the status(IsComplete) for each tab form.
At page loading i have checked the tab form status (Iscomplete = true/false) and if it is true then i have to change the css class for that tab.
I have applied css class dynamically from code behind but it is not applying.
My code is :
tbpnl_general.Attributes.Add("class", "ajax__tab_tab complete"); //1st way
tbpnl_general.CssClass = "ajax__tab_tab complete"; //2ed way
but both of code are not applying any class.
My ajax tab panel code is :
<ajax:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" CssClass="fancy fancy-green">
<ajax:TabPanel ID="tbpnl_general" runat="server" Visible="false">
<asp:Panel ID="pnl_Publish" runat="server">
<table width="100%" align="center" style="margin: 50px 0;">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LiPublished" runat="server" OnClick="LiPublished_Click"><img alt="" src="images/publish.png" /></asp:LinkButton>
<%--<asp:ImageButton ID="LiPublished" runat="server" OnClick="LiPublished_Click" ImageUrl="~/images/publish.png" AlternateText="Publish" />--%>
my css class resides in css file...
Sunil Sharma