Hi All :)
I'm fairly new to linux and I have the following question.
I have a 4TB hard drive which had 4 NTFS Partitions, and since I am permanently moving to Linux I thought I should re-format them to ext4.
So I backed up all my data and started trying to do so, but in the process I messed things up and I ended up having to re-create the partitions all new, which I did. (Or maybe I had to re-create the partition table because the the formating utility couldn't format GPT partitions made by windows (I don't realy remember it was a while ago))
Everithing went fine, after I created the partitions I formated them with ext4 file system and moved back the data, and everything works fine.
But the utility I used to partition the disk 'gdisk' set new (Default) labels to the partitions "Linux Partition".
And I couldn't find a way to change them using that utility.
I know gparted is supposed to do that, but I couldn't find any clear instructions on how to actually set new labels.
Most of the archicles google finds refer to "Gnome Parted" NOT "GPT parted", and how to remove label not how to set one.
And oh, I use Kubuntu 14.04 LTS.
So can you tell me a utility I can use to set the labels I want to my GPT Partitions? (And possibly how? If it's not too much to ask)
Thanks in advance! :)