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Hello House,

i am working with datagrid that has a level checkbox of which if it is checked others checkbox in the datagrid will also be checked (just the same way yahoomail works), that is working fine for me, i am having issues unchecking the top level checkbox if any of the checkboxes is unchecked, please i need your assistance. here is my code:

Global variables:
CheckBox chkbox=new CheckBox( );
        DataTable dt = new DataTable( );

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //CheckBox chkbox=new CheckBox( );
            dataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Clear( );
            DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn colCB = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn( );            
            colCB.Name = "chkcol";
            colCB.HeaderText = "";
            colCB.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add( colCB );

            Rectangle rect = this.dataGridView1.GetCellDisplayRectangle( 0, -1, true );
            chkbox.Size = new Size( 18, 18 );
            rect.Offset( 43, 2 );
            chkbox.Location = rect.Location;
            chkbox.CheckedChanged += chkBoxChange;
            this.dataGridView1.Controls.Add( chkbox );

            DataRow dr = default( DataRow );

            //Declare Column names
            dt.Columns.Add( "eno" );
            dt.Columns.Add( "empname" );
            dt.Columns.Add( "sal" );

            //Create rows with data
            dr = dt.NewRow( );
            dr["eno"] = 101;
            dr["empname"] = "test1";
            dr["sal"] = 9000;
            dt.Rows.Add( dr );

            dr = dt.NewRow( );
            dr["eno"] = 102;
            dr["empname"] = "test2";
            dr["sal"] = 15000;
            dt.Rows.Add( dr );

            dr = dt.NewRow( );
            dr["eno"] = 103;
            dr["empname"] = "test3";
            dr["sal"] = 20000;
            dt.Rows.Add( dr );

            //Bind that datatable data into the datagridview
            dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;

private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
           double k = 0.0;
           if ( e.ColumnIndex == 0 )
               dataGridView1.CommitEdit( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit );
               for ( int i = 0 ; i <= dataGridView1.RowCount - 1 ; i++ )
                   //chkcol is checkbox column
                   if ( Convert.ToBoolean( dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["chkcol"].Value ) == true )
                       k = k + Convert.ToDouble( dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value );      //3 is salary column
               //This one is total display textbox
               //label1.Text = k.ToString( );
any assistance will be appreciated thanks.
Dilan Shaminda 10-Aug-14 0:37am    
what happens when you are unchecking the top level checkbox?
Uwakpeter 10-Aug-14 3:43am    
All the checkboxes in the datagrid will be unchecked, if I checked it, all will be checked as well, I want to be able to unchecked the checkbox at the datagrid header if after checking all, the user decides to unchecked one or more of the checkboxes. Thanks

1 solution

Check this Article.I thinks this is what you are looking for

Toggling the States of all CheckBoxes Inside a DataGridView Column
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Uwakpeter 10-Aug-14 10:30am    
Yes that is what I am looking for, but I am working on a windows application, and I don't think javascribt will work on windows application, I have not tried it before, if there is a way I can achieve this in windows apllication, I will really appreciate, thanks.
Dilan Shaminda 10-Aug-14 10:40am    
sorry..mistaken..I have updated the link :-)
Uwakpeter 11-Aug-14 4:47am    
Thanks, i have tried implementing what i got from that link, the following are being underlined as errors:

ResetHeaderCheckBoxLocation, and i tried to fixed it but couldn't, i will be glad if you could further assist. Thanks
Dilan Shaminda 11-Aug-14 4:58am    
Those are defined as global variables
int TotalCheckBoxes = 0;
int TotalCheckedCheckBoxes = 0;
CheckBox HeaderCheckBox = null;
bool IsHeaderCheckBoxClicked = false;

and ResetHeaderCheckBoxLocation is a private method. Check the source code given :-)
Uwakpeter 11-Aug-14 5:32am    
I can only find ResetLocation, can i rename ResetHeaderCheckBoxLocation to ResetLocation? also the GetDataSource() method is not include in this example, though i would write mine later on, i would have love to test it with the one that came with this tutorial, Is there anyway i can get that too? Thanks

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