Constructor declaration is same as declaring a method except they use the name of the class and no return type.When you invoked a class constructor it creates a object from the class blueprint.You can have many constructors inside the same class including no argument constructor.Although you didn't create a constructor there is a default constructor associated with that class and you can invoke it to create an object out of it.
this keyword
private int age;
private String name;
public Student(int Age, int Name) {
this.age= Age; = Name;
inside the constructor age is a local copy of the constructor's first argument. To refer to the Point field age, the constructor must use this.age
super keyword
If your method overrides one of its super class's methods, you can invoke the overridden method through the use of the keyword super.
References :
Providing Constructors for Your Classes
Using the Keyword super
Using the this Keyword