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Hi There,

Having trouble with SQL pivot. below is the actual result i get when i ran the query.

Name | Average | 7/24/2014 | 7/26/2014    | 7/27/2014      | 7/28/2014    | 7/31/2014
Test | -----------| NULL      | 00:06:20:000 |	00:06:24:000 | 00:06:25:000 | 00:06:24:000

Now, what i want to know is how do i add the values of each column and compute show the average.
below if the desired output.

Name | Average | 7/24/2014 | 7/26/2014    | 7/27/2014      | 7/28/2014    | 7/31/2014
Test | 00:06:23:000| NULL      | 00:06:20:000 |  00:06:24:000 | 00:06:25:000 | 00:06:24:000

below is the code of Pivot

     SET @query = ' SELECT * FROM(SELECT p.[Name]
     , ''-----------'' AS Average 
     , CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, AVG(p.CallLengthSec) * 1000, 0), 114) AS CallLengthSumMin
     , p. ' + @dategroup + ' 
FROM #prod p WHERE p.EmpInfoID IN (' + @ProfGroupIDs + ') ' + @withinshift + ' 

GROUP BY p.Name, p. ' + @dategroup + '   ) x
PIVOT ( MAX(CallLengthSumMin) FOR ' + @dategroup + ' IN (' + @cols + ') ) p  

Thanks, in advance. Thanks
Updated 12-Aug-14 10:27am

1 solution

I asssume that you wat to get average of CallLengthSumMin for each date and average for entire column:
date1    average
date2    average
date3    average
dateN    average
-----    total average

Then you want to diplay data as a pivot table.

If i'm not wrong, please refer this[^]
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lgmanuel 12-Aug-14 19:06pm    
Thanks for the reply,

Yes, exactly. i already have the average per date. now i'm not sure how to average the whole column.

The link you have provided seems to point only google main page and no article.
Maciej Los 13-Aug-14 7:07am    
The link works perfect for me. Yes, it link to Google with this sentence: sql+pivot+add+total+column. Try it. There are tons of examples.

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