Greetings all! First off, I am an undergraduate student currently in my senior year. We are required to produce a senior design project where we work with a corporation that assigns to us the project proposal.
The project entitles the production of a pass through device controller that allows multiple Serial ATA (SATA) disk drives to be daisy chained to appear as one large disk drive (i.e
[3TB drive] = [1TB dive] + [1TB drive] + [1TB drive]). I could get more detailed, but I am asking in regards about a more simple programming task. Our group consists of 4 undergrad students (1 CE, 1 TE, and 2 EE's). We also have a corporate mentor (whom behaves as more of a boss than a mentor which is why I am here) that has recently tasked us to develop source code to initialize, format (NTFS), and partition a disk drive. I have experience in Java more than any other language so I am having trouble deciding which language to produce the source code in. I imagine C++ will be favored so I am learning the syntax as we speak.
Example Pseudocode of what I am trying to do:
HDD drive0 = new HDD;
String serialNumber0 = getSerialNumber(drive0);
int HDSize0 = getHDSize(drive0);
HDD drive1 = new HDD;
String serialNumber1 = getSerialNumber(drive1);
int HDSize1 = getHDSize(drive1);
partitionDiskDrive(drive0, volume0, 250GB);
partitionDiskDrive(drive0, volume1, 250GB);
formatDiskDrive(drive0, volume0, NTFS);
formatDiskDrive(drive0, volume1, FAT32);
formatDiskDrive(drive1, NTFS);
I understand what I am asking is relatively broad, but I appreciate any feedback and/or guidance. Thank you for your time!