Input: < Sub-graph S≡(V,E,ω,D)> Output:< Load Mixing Sub-graph Optimization SLMO ,where Vertex (V), Edge( E),Cost(ω) and Demand (D)> Initialize L_(u_k)^(v_j ) and L_Max^(v_j ) and S_LMO for all v∈V do for j = 1 to n do for all road segments in do v_j L_(u_k)^(v_j )= (D_(u_k ) .ω_(v_j )); L_Max^(v_j ) = Max (∑_(k=1)^Ψ▒〖D_(u_k ) .ω_(v_j ) 〗); end for end for end for Sort all vertices v∈V based on values of L_Max^(v_j ) in ascending order. First, let V^' be the sorted set of vertices; let SLMO = ψ let of L_Max^v be the least value add L_Max^v to SLMO beginning at L_Max^v ,mark all (V^',v)∈ E as Covered where v∈V; for j = 1 to n do if there are more Vertices in V^' to be covered then check and locate a pairwise connection with the nearest neighbor in the sorted list and add this vertex to SLMO; end if end for return SLMO;
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