Check my Article for Static Class and Method Details.
Basic C# OOP Concept[
Now lets focus on your question
So you are asking the differance between static method and Public Static Method
As you know if we declare class or static or method as static we need to create object for to access that methods.
We can directly access the static method usign there class
example Yourclass.YourStaticMethod();
if you declare only static method by default it will be as private so outside class cannot access that method.
If you declare the static method as public outside class can access that method.
see the sample console program below for static method and public static method.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class YourstaticClass
static void welcomewithprivate()
Console.WriteLine("iam in Private Static Clss Method");
public static void WelcomewithPublic()
Console.WriteLine("iam in Private Static Clss Method");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)