var proposalFor = ecmClient.ServiceProxy.GetProposalFor(projectId); LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport(); localReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Reports/TCOSummary.rdlc"); localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("ProposalFor_DS", proposalFor)); string reportType = "Pdf"; string mimeType; string encoding; string fileNameExtension; string deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo>" + " <OutputFormat>Excel</OutputFormat>" + " <PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" + " <PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" + " <MarginTop>0.5in</MarginTop>" + " <MarginLeft>1in</MarginLeft>" + " <MarginRight>1in</MarginRight>" + " <MarginBottom>0.5in</MarginBottom>" + "</DeviceInfo>"; Warning[] warnings; string[] streams; byte[] renderedBytes; renderedBytes = localReport.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension, out streams, out warnings); return File(renderedBytes, mimeType);
'Subreport1', located at: D: \HussmannECECMSolution\ECECMWP\Main \Hussmann.ECM.WebPortal \Hussmann.ECM.UI\Reports \SampleReport.rdlc. Please check the log files for more information.
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