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Hello all,

I have a folder which has logs of past 1 year in it day wise. I want to copy this log in a new folders month wise. for example my january file should have all the logs of jan.
like that i want it to do for every month . can any body help me on this. Thanks in advance.
Peter Leow 5-Jan-15 2:32am    
Show sample of log data.
syedmas 5-Jan-15 2:40am    
its just a text files which gets generated day wise every day. like autologqwj.txt
i want to keep this files in a folder month wise
syedmas 5-Jan-15 2:42am    
there is one folder which has 365 files which was generated everyday. now i want to move or copy this file into a folders month wise from jan to dec.
syedmas 5-Jan-15 4:09am    
sir can you help on this.
Tomas Takac 5-Jan-15 4:28am    
What have you tried? Where are you stuck? What about xcopy with /D parameter?

1 solution

@echo off

:: Looping through the list for different folders

for /f %%a in (folderlist.txt) do (
echo %%a

@echo off
set "src=D:\folder\copyingfrom\%%a\Processing"
set "dest=D:\folder\copiedto\%%a\Processing\MonthWise"
for %%F in ("%src%\*") do (
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%A in ("%%~tF") do (
if not exist "%dest%\%%C_%%A" mkdir "%dest%\%%C_%%A"
::move "%%~fF" "%dest%\%%C_%%A"
xcopy /Y "%%~fF" "%dest%\%%C_%%A"
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