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I have a small program that helps me to import excel sheets to a Datagridview to later export it to a text file but the problem is that the text file is overwritten. I would like that every time you export the contents of datagridview a new file is created with a different name to avoid overwriting it . I would be very grateful for his help. I use the following code in a button to export the datagrid to text file:

If DataGridView1.RowCount = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("the datagridview is emptly")
If Directory.Exists("C:\Foldertxt") = False Then
End If
Dim sFile As String = "C:\Foldertxt\file.txt"
If File.Exists(sFile) = True Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(sFile, FileIO.UIOption.OnlyErrorDialogs, _
FileIO.RecycleOption.DeletePermanently, FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)
End If

Using f As New IO.StreamWriter(sFile, True)

Dim col As String = ""

Dim row As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each r As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In DataGridView1.Columns
row = row & "'" & Convert.ToString(r.Cells(c.HeaderText).Value) & "' "
If i < DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 Then row &= Environment.NewLine

MessageBox.Show("file created")
End Using
End If
I use Visual Studio 2013
Thank so much and sorry for my english
Updated 19-Mar-18 4:03am

If DataGridView1.RowCount = 0 Then
            MessageBox.Show("the datagridview is emptly")
            If Directory.Exists("C:\Foldertxt") = False Then 
            End If
            Dim sFile As String = "C:\Foldertxt\file.txt"

Dim count As Integer = 1

Dim fileNameOnly As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sFile)
Dim extension As String = Path.GetExtension(sFile)
Dim path__1 As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(sFile)
Dim newFullPath As String = sFile

While File.Exists(newFullPath)
Dim tempFileName As String = String.Format("{0}({1})", fileNameOnly, System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(count),count - 1))
newFullPath = Path.Combine(path__1, tempFileName & extension)
End While

            Using f As New IO.StreamWriter(newFullPath, True)

                Dim col As String = ""
                Dim row As String = ""
                Dim i As Integer = 0
                For Each r As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
                    For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In DataGridView1.Columns
                        row = row & "'" & Convert.ToString(r.Cells(c.HeaderText).Value) & "' "
                    If i < DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 Then row &= Environment.NewLine

                MessageBox.Show("file created")
            End Using
        End If

Thanks anyway!!!
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get the file count in the directory you are saving to. add 1 to this count, then concantate this new number to the end of the file name.
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