I am using VS2013 powerpoint Add-in for creating Agenda slide(that is, creating a slide with all the titles of an active presentation).
My question is how to create a textbox inside the placeholder of subtitle in a slide.
That is, for example, in a slide we have placeholders for title and subtitle- in title i am adding text as,
presentation.Slides[1].Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Agenda";
And I am able to add a textbox like
PowerPoint.Shape textBox1 = presentation.Slides[1].Shapes.AddTextbox(
Office.MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, 0, 600, 50);
Here, the presentation_text contains all the titles of the active presentation.
But the thing is i want the text box to appear inside subtitle placeholder or section.
Please help me:(
Thanks in Advance!!!