Look at your code:
If Not IsNumeric(TxtboxS1.Text & TxtboxS2.Text & TxtboxS3.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Data not valid")
End If
But you then continue as if it was all ok - so if I enter "Hello" in textbox 51 you will show me a message to say that's bad - and then continue to crash anyway!
Instead, use TryParse to convert the values:
Dim s1 As Double, s2 As Double, s3__1 As Double
If Not (Double.TryParse(txtBoxS1.Text, s1) AndAlso Double.TryParse(txtBoxS2.Text, s2) AndAlso Double.TryParse(txtBoxS3.Text, s3__1)) Then
MessageBox.Show("Data not valid")
If s1 < 5 AndAlso s2 < 5 Then
LblStatusBox.Text = "Fail"
ElseIf s1 < 5 AndAlso S3 < 5 Then
End If