SqlCeConnection JSS_cnn05 = new SqlCeConnection(); JSS_cnn05.ConnectionString = Publics.jeus_Coonn; JSS_cnn05.Open(); string JSS_check05 = "Select COUNT(*)FROM reg where reg_OK = '" + JSS_AUTH + "'"; SqlCeCommand JSS_cd05 = new SqlCeCommand(JSS_check05, JSS_cnn05); JSS_cd05.CommandText = JSS_check05; int JSS_RowCount05 = (int)JSS_cd05.ExecuteScalar(); if (JSS_RowCount05 == 0) { JSS_Regestation JSS_fr = new JSS_Regestation(); JSS_fr.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { JSS_LOGIN JSS_fr = new JSS_LOGIN(); JSS_fr.Show(); this.Hide(); } string JSS_connetionString001 = null; SqlCeConnection JSS_cnn001; SqlCeCommand JSS_cmd001; string JSS_sql001 = null; SqlCeDataReader JSS_reader001; JSS_connetionString001 = Publics.jeus_Coonn; JSS_sql001 = "select * from product_companies where prodc_ID=select max(prodc_ID) from product_companies)"; JSS_cnn001 = new SqlCeConnection(JSS_connetionString001); try { JSS_cnn001.Open(); JSS_cmd001 = new SqlCeCommand(JSS_sql001, JSS_cnn001); JSS_reader001 = JSS_cmd001.ExecuteReader(); while (JSS_reader001.Read()) { label4.Text = (JSS_reader001.GetValue(0) + ""); } JSS_reader001.Close(); JSS_cmd001.Dispose(); JSS_cnn001.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { return; }
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