I have two parameter one is id and another is group id
if group id is 3 I want to open report
A if group id is 5 I want to open report B I am calling this report in my aspx page.
Is there any way we can do without passing the groupid number directly in the aspx page.
right now my code looks like
Private Function GetReportFileContent() As Byte()
Dim reportPath As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("A" & MyApp.ActiveServerEnvironment.ToString.ToLower)
Dim report As New Reporting.Report
report.ReportParameters = Reporting.Report.ParseReportParameters("ServiceGroupId=10")
report.ReportParameters = Reporting.Report.ParseReportParameters("CVID=" & MyVisitId)
report.SSRSParameters = MyApp.GetSSRSParameters
report.Path = "http://HRWOBSQL04:80/reportserver/" & TextUtil.ReplaceFirst(reportPath, "/", String.Empty)
'printing report
Dim url1 = "http://hrwobweb02/AOHIntranetApps/VisitManager" & "/global/pages/ReportViewer.aspx?reportPath=" & reportPath & "10"
Dim url2 = "http://hrwobweb02/AOHIntranetApps/VisitManager" & "/global/pages/ReportViewer.aspx?reportPath=" & reportPath & "&reportParams=" & MyVisitId + ""
rvAOHRC.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri("http://HRWOBSQL04:80/reportserver/")
rvAOHRC.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = report.SSRSParameters.ReportCredentials
rvAOHRC.ServerReport.ReportPath = reportPath
rvAOHRC.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote ' Me.ProcessingMode
'MyReport = report
Dim oReportService As New SSRSReportService.ReportExecutionService()
Dim oExecutionInfo As New SSRSReportService.ExecutionInfo
Dim oExecutionHeader As New SSRSReportService.ExecutionHeader()
oReportService.Credentials = report.SSRSParameters.ReportCredentials.NetworkCredentials
oReportService.Timeout = 30000
oReportService.Url = "http://HRWOBSQL04:80/reportserver/ReportExecution2005.asmx"
Dim paramValues(0 To report.ReportParameters.Count - 1) As SSRSReportService.ParameterValue
Dim paramIndex As Integer
For Each param As ReportParameter In report.ReportParameters
Dim paramVal As New SSRSReportService.ParameterValue
paramVal.Name = param.Name
paramVal.Value = param.Values(0)
paramValues(paramIndex) = paramVal
paramIndex += 1
oReportService.ExecutionHeaderValue = oExecutionHeader
oExecutionInfo = oReportService.LoadReport(reportPath, Nothing)
oReportService.SetExecutionParameters(paramValues, "en-us")
Return oReportService.Render("PDF", "<deviceinfo><toolbar>False", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, Nothing, Nothing)
End Function
How to pass the groupid and get the report B and A. Right now I can only print group A Also getting conversion error.
Can anybody help.