Am trying to dynamically add the fields for subjects and the grades obtained, but am getting an error "Undefined index: subject in..." when posting those variables using java script.
Could there be something am missing with my posting mechanism. Notice that in the form data am not puting id="subject" to avoid picking the id for only one subject, but I
dont seem to know how to represent this in the java script as we will see below.
form data as follows;
$sql="CALL sp_getSubjects()";
//Initiate and Call Stored Procedure Using PDO
$pdo = new PDOConfig();
$resultsSubject = $pdo->query($sql);
foreach($resultsSubject as $rowSubject)
:<input name="subject[]" type="hidden" value="" />
<select name="grades[]" id="grades" class="validate[required]">
<option value="">--Select Grade--</option>
$sql="CALL sp_grabGrades()";
//Initiate and Call Stored Procedure Using PDO
$pdo = new PDOConfig();
$resultset = $pdo->query($sql);
foreach($resultset as $row)
<option value=""> </option>
the form looks like this
English <--select-->
Biology <--select-->
Science <--select-->
the java script code is as follows;
//if invalid do nothing
return false;
var vgrades = $("#grades").val();
var vsubject = $("#subject").val();
grades : vgrades,
subject : vsubject
/*Handles response from server*/
alert("You are here");
the PHP code "sendInitialApplication.php" is as follows
function connect(){
$dbConn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=student', 'root', 'root');
return $dbConn;
catch(PDOException $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
/*Checks if method is HTTP POST*/
if(strtolower($method) == 'post'){
$grades = addslashes($_POST['grades']);
$subjects = addslashes($_POST['subject']);
try {
$dbHandler = connect();
//Saving Various subjects with distinct grade obtained
foreach($subjects as $key => $subject)
$setIndexSubject = 'CALL sp_sendIndexSubject(:vSubjectID,:vGradeObtainedID)';
$stmt_subject = $dbHandler->prepare($setIndexSubject);
$stmt_subject->bindValue(':vSubjectID', $subject);
$stmt_subject->bindValue(':vGradeObtainedID', $grades[$key]);
echo "The Operation was Successful!!!!!!";
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Oops! Make sure Method is POST";