I'd suggest a third option: Query for all records at once, but don't use DataAdapter.Fill - instead use a DataReader to read row by row. That way you don't have to deal with select-paging while still not having to read all records at once. It will even have the best performance (only one query and using a DataReader is faster than DataAdapter.Fill).
SqlDataReader (MSDN)[
edit: It will have the best performance if the calculation has, for some reason, to be done in the application. If it could be done within the query (CTE) that would most certainly be the fastest way. But we can't tell, because we don't know what your calculation involves (yet).
edit2 after comment: In that case (processing millions of records and having to compare the results to a DB2 database) batching seems indeed to be the best approach. As you're using SQL Server 2008, there's no OFFSET FETCH-clause yet, so you will have to use some some 'conventional' paging approach. I think this article explains your options well:
SQL Server 2005 Paging Results[
Otherwise there are even more to take a look at:
Nonetheless, you could use a DataReader instead of DataAdapter.Fill to improve the performance somewhat.