RLH88, thanks for the reply. No, I can't get to the page at all unless the user has been authenticated. I have the same set-up, but with different groups for another site, and I'm confused as to why one works great and one doesn't. I can do the following, but it just drives me nuts that it works on one site and not another.
<pre lang="vb">Function getMyRole(ByVal myRole As String) As Boolean
Dim myReturn As Boolean
Dim authTicket As FormsAuthenticationTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(Context.Request.Cookies(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName).Value)
Dim myGroups As String = (authTicket.UserData).ToString
If InStr(myGroups, myRole) Then
myReturn = True
myReturn = False
End If
Return myReturn
End Function