Many people Google for an article or tutorial that demonstrates how to create an N-Tier
applications step by step in VB.NET and for a Windows Application. In this article, I will show you step by step on how to do it. I made an example from one of the
small projects I did in N-Tier. I have included ways to request to pass data between
layers. This is a good practice and it is simple to maintain your code if it is in tiers. Imagine having your Business Layer,
Data Layer in the Presentation Layer (your VB form, ASP page). Your code will be
spaghetti code that will be time consuming when it has to be maintained.
Before we start coding, let's see what is N-Tier and why it is used.
N-Tier is a client-server architecture in which User interface (Presentation Layer), Business Rules (Business Logic Layer), Data Access (Data Layer) are separated in
layers, maintained and developed independently. The application will be broken into
tiers. The Presentation Layer will be your Form or ASP.NET page, the Business Layer will be the
classes that will check if the Business Rules have been violated or not before sending data to the dataLayer and the Data Access layer will
accept the validated data from the Business Logic Layer and run the SQL commands on the
actual database.
When reading this article, I assume that you know how
Getting started
Make sure that your table is in place and it has a Primary key. Because if you are using an Adapter, you cannot update a table that has no Primary key, you will only select.
Step 1 (Adding PL and BLL)
In the first step we are going create a Solution. You can call it anything meaningful.
In my case I call it "Pro_Client". This will be will be your Presentation Layer, that is where the user will interact with the
actual data that we are going to consume later in the article. This can be a windows project or a web project it does not matter.
Step 2 (Adding PL and BLL)
In the Solution Explorer, select your Solution "Prop_Client" and right
click. In the menu, select "Add" and "New Project". An Add New Project
dialog box will appear and you must select "Class Library" because we are going to use this
project as our BLL (Business Logic Layer), and name it "Prop_BLL" or something
meaningful that will show you that it is a BLL. Rename "Class1
" to "clsPropertyBLL
or something meaningful. Double click on the renamed class or view the code. You will
notice that "Class1
" is still there. Change it to something meaningful, if you are working with Employees, use "Employees", in my case "Properties".
You are done with your BLL, we will visit it later.
Step 3 (Adding DAL to a Solution)
In this step, we are going to add our DAL in the same Solution. Select your Solution "Prop_Client" and right
click; in the menu, select "Add" and "New Project". An Add New Project
dialog box will appear and you must select "Class Library" and name it "PropDAL", or something
meaningful to show that this is your DAL. After you have done that, delete "Class1" from your DAL project, we will not use it. The next thing is to
add a component. For a beginner, you will not use a Class directly. I want you to drag and drop some adapters from the Toolbox. Now to add a
component into our DAL, you must right click on the DAL project, in my case "PropDAL", and select "Add" and "Add Component" and give it a
meaningful name; in my case, I have named it "Property_DAL". Double click the
component and you will see that the name of the component is the same as the class name.
Use the name for the class you used in your BLL, in my case "Properties". That means the code in your component will look like this.
Public Class Properties
Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
End Class
Now our solution will look like:

Figure 1
Step 4 (Adding DAL components)
In this step we are going to add an Adapter. On your DAL project, double
click on the component, "Property_DAL" in my case, and select your toolbox
section of "DATA". In the Toolbox, select SQLdataAdapter
and the
Adapter dialog box will appear. Click on "Next", select the connection. Note
that if it is the first time you do this, you will have to create a connection
like in this
example. Click Next when the connection is established. In "Query type", for now, let's select "Use SQL Statement", and
click Next. You will get a space where you can type in your SQL statement or use a Query Builder to let Visual Studio
build a query for you. Let's type our SQL statement like this:
select * from Clients where Client_name = @Clientname
This is a parameterized query. Sometimes we don't know what to display until runtime and we might decide to display something else at runtime.
In that case we use a parameterized query. The above SQL query will be your commandtext in the adapter.
When you are finished, you will click Next, then the Report about your adapter will appear. If you see a yellow
exclamation mark on the Update, you should know that it might be that you did not set a Primary Key in your table. If
there are no Errors in your Adapter, click on Finish and your adapter will be created for you, and note that the Connection object will appear on your
component. Right click and rename the connection object to "cnProperties
" and your adapter to "daProperties
". If you are using SQL, on the Properties of your connection, click on Connection string and enter the password after the user ID and your Connectionstring will look like this:
user id=sa; Password=topman;data source=Myserver;persist security info=False;initial catalog=ValRollClients
The next step is to right click on the Adapter "daProperties
" and Generate a dataset. Name your dataset as "dsProperties
" and check the
option "Add this Dataset to the Designer" to visually see it on top of the
component; after that, click OK.
Now everything has been setup. Our data source is fine, let's go back to the Presentation Layer.
Step 5 (Presentation Layer)
Now in this step, we have to do a few small adjustments. First add a DataGrid
into your Form and name it
and add four buttons like this:

Figure 2
Don't forget to rename your form to "frmsearch
Step 6 (Function in DAL)
Let's go back again to our DAL project. We are going to give our data to BLL from DAL and BLL will give the data to the
front-end (PL).

Figure 3
Now let's create a function that will return a DataSet
and takes a parameter. Double
click on your component and enter the following code inside the class.
Public Function Getdat(ByVal strname As String) As dsProperties
Dim dsdata As dsProperties
dsdata = New dsProperties
daproperties.SelectCommand.Parameters("Clients").Value = strname
Catch Throw
Return dsdata
End Function
Remember, we have to save changes too, so we are going to create another Sub procedure that will
save the changes into the database. So for saving, create this sub procedure in your
component class. After the first one, like this:
Public Sub SaveData(ByVal dsdata As dsProperties)
End Try
End Sub
Now everything has been added to our DAL, so we are going to call this function and Sub Procedure in the BLL (Business Logic Layer).
Step 7 (Calling DAL Functions in BLL)
Now we are going to call the DAL function when data is requested from the Business Logic layer from the Presentation Layer. Go to the BLL
project and double click on "clsPropertyBLL
" to view the code.
The first thing we need to create is a function that will request the data from the DAL and a Save
function that will send data to the BLL and some Business Rules check before we save to the actual database. Before we start coding,
add a reference to the DAL on the BLL. Right click on the BLL and select Add Reference, in the
dialog box, select the Project tab and click on your DAL project and click OK.
In the Class Properties of the BLL, add the following code:
Public Function GetData(ByVal strname As String) As Prop_DAL.dsProperties
Dim dsdata As Prop_DAL.dsProperties
Dim objgetdal As Prop_DAL.Properties
dsdata = New Prop_DAL.dsProperties
objgetdal = New Prop_DAL.Properties
dsdata = objgetdal.Getdata(strname)
If dsdata.Tables("Clients").Rows.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox("No record with that Name was Found")
Return dsdata
End If
Catch ex As SqlClient.SqlException
Throw ex
End Try
End Function
The next Sub should save and we need a Sub to check if the Business Rules have been
Public Function SaveData(ByVal dsdata As Prop_DAL.dsProperties) As Prop_DAL.dsProperties
Dim objDal As Prop_DAL.Properties
objDal = New Prop_DAL.Properties
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
In the above function, we will check the Rules using a Sub that will be
explained below. If the Rules are not violated, then we can save the data by calling a DAL
function through a DAL object "objDAL
". The following code is for
checking Business Rules.
Private Sub CheckRules(ByVal dsdata As Prop_DAL.dsProperties)
Dim strMsg As String
Dim row As Prop_DAL.dsProperties.ClientsRow
For Each row In dsdata.Clients.Rows
If row.RowState = DataRowState.Added Or _
row.RowState = DataRowState.Modified Then
If row.Client_Name.Trim = "" Then
MsgBox("Name Cannot be Empty")
End If
If row.Client_Address = "" Then
MsgBox("Address Cannot be Empty")
End If
If row.Client_ID.ToString.Length > 13 Then
MsgBox("ID number must less than 13")
End If
End If
If strMsg <> "" Then
Throw New ApplicationException(strMsg)
End If
End Sub
everything is done, and your BLL can now communicate with your DAL and your PL will
communicate with your DAL through your BLL. The next thing is to call your BLL functions from your PL. Add a reference to your BLL
project in the PL project as I did when I added a reference to the DAL in the BLL
Step 8 (Call BLL functions from PL)
This is the last step of our article. In this step we are going to call the BLL
functions. Firstly double click on your Form and declare a module level dataset like this:
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim mdsProperty As Prop_DAL.dsProperty
Note that this should not be inside your Form load, but outside, because it is a Module level declaration that we want. On your Search button, insert the
following code:
Dim objBll As Prop_BLL.Properties Dim strsearch As String = CStr(txtsearch.Text)
btnClear.Enabled = True
mdsProperty = New Prop_DAL.dsProperty
objBll = New Prop_BLL.Properties
mdsProperty = objBll.GetData(strsearch)
dgProperties.DataMember = "Clients"
dgProperties.DataSource = mdsProperty
Catch ex As SqlClient.SqlException
End Try
And in the code for the button Clear, you will enter the following code to clear the
btnClear.Enabled = False
And the last button will be the Exit button, you can enter your own code to exit the
application or Form. So your N-Tier application should be done now in 8 steps.
Designing your application as an N-Tier application helps you to trace bugs and helps you to improve your application at ease, than trying
to trace a small bug in a mixed application having everything in one place. I would like to learn more from anyone who has
suggestions and has more
knowledge on N-tier applications. My next article will be on Web Services. I want
to make the subject broad by building an example of a Windows N-tier application
that uses Web Services. To those who know me, you know that this is not my first
article. Thanks for every e-mail I got asking questions about the article
and how to implement it in their situations. If you liked this article, vote for it and
email me at